Cookies Policy

What are cookies?
Cookies are small files that are transferred from our websites, applications or services and stored on your device. 375LED’s websites, online services, interactive applications, and advertisements may use cookies and other technologies such as pixel tags, web beacons, and user agents. Cookies can be stored on your device for a short or longer period, even up to several years. We do not have access to cookies that are not ours.

What are they for?
This information stored by cookies is used by the website to facilitate user navigation. For example, when storing the login information, the user does not have to enter their email and password each time they enter the site, but the session is automatically started.

This is just one of the functions of cookies, which can be broadly grouped into three:

  • Authentication: is the function of the example given above. By storing the credentials or login data of the user, the website can recognize it and allow the login automatically each time the user accesses the page.
  • Tracking: Cookies can store information on user activity for the duration of your visit to the website. This includes the sections of the page that you have visited, the clicks that you have given, the ads that you
    have seen, among others. This information collected serves as input for the personalization functions.
  • Personalization: With the data collected by tracking cookies, the website can make suggestions for content, articles, advertising or similar more appropriate to the user’s preferences.

What types of cookies are there?
Cookies can be classified according to whether or not they remain on the device after the user has left the websitsite:

  • Session: These are cookies that are used only while the user remains on the site and once browsing is finished they are eliminated.
  • Persistent: These are cookies that remain on the user’s device even after browsing is finished, although some may have an expiration date, for example, those that perform authentication and tracking

They can also be classified according to their origin. If the cookies are generated by the same site that you are entering, they are called own cookies. When they are not generated by the site you are visiting, they are thirdparty cookies. Many browsers currently block third-party cookies by default.

Delete / disable cookies
Manage cookies and change your cookie preferences in your browser settings / preferences. Below you will find a guide for such configuration in the most popular browsers:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Safari para iOS

More information about cookies
For details on cookies and how to configure your browser to enable, delete or disable cookies, see

Consent and Disclosure of information stored with cookies
We will request your consent before using your information for purposes other than those specified in this document. We will also ask for your consent if we want to use the information collected for a specific purpose for any other purpose. Without the consent of our client, we will not provide the personal information of the client or the behavioral data of any third party.

We will disclose your personal information only in the following circumstances:

  • After obtaining your express consent.
  • Disclosure on a legal basis: we may disclose your personal information when legally required by a subpoena or any other legal procedure or action or mandatory request made by government authorities, if we believe in good faith that such disclosure is necessary for the protection of our rights or safety of you or others, fraud investigation or response to government requirements.

Your rights over your personal information
In the event of any security incident regarding personal information, 375LED respects your rights over your personal information.

Below are your legal rights and how we will protect your rights. Please note that for security reasons we may ask you to verify your identity before processing your request:

1. Right to know: 375LED publishes this Policy to inform you of how we handle your personal information. We are committed to the transparent use of your information.

2. Access: If you want to exercise your access to the data, you can send an email to to access your information

3. Right to modify: You have the right to request that we amend any errors in your personal information that we process. You can send an email to to request such modification. We will make the modification after verification.

4. Right to delete: If we continue to retain and process your information without just cause, you can send an email to the following address to request that we delete your personal information .

5. Right to limit the process: You have the right to request 375LED to limit our processing of your personal information. This means that we may store your personal information, but we may not process it further. We only keep the data necessary to respond to your requests in the future. You can send an email to the following address to exercise your right to limit the process:

6. Right to data portability: To the extent permitted by law, you have the right to obtain your personal information in structured, commonly used and machine-readable formats. For example, if you decide to switch to a new service provider, this right allows you to easily move, copy or transfer personal data from our IT environment to your IT environment in a secure manner, without affecting its usability. After giving your official authorization, you can send an email to the following address to make your right to data portability effective:

7. Right to refuse: You have the right to refuse 375LED’s processing of your personal information, even if such processing is based on our legitimate interest, exercise of public law, direct marketing (including data aggregation), and statistical purposes. You can send an email to the following address to make your right of refusal:

8. Right to withdraw consent: If you have given your consent for us to process your personal information but then change your mind, you can withdraw your consent at any time and 375LED must stop processing your personal information immediately. You can send an email to the following address to make your right to withdraw consent:

9. Right to reject automatic decisions : You have the right not to be subject to decisions made by automatic processes, such as the user portrait. If such decisions significantly affect your legal rights, you can send an email to the following address to reject automatic decisions:, and we will respond to your request and take appropriate action as necessary for resolution.

10. Right to complain: You have the right to lodge a complaint about our processing of your personal information with the data protection authorities in your country. We will respond to your request as soon as possible. Generally speaking, we will respond to you within one month (may be extended for two more months when necessary and if permitted by law. If an extension is needed, we will notify you of the reason for the extension within the aforementioned 30-day period, such as complicated or colossal application contents) after receiving your application. If you are not satisfied with our response, you can refer the complaint to the competent authorities in your jurisdiction.